Learn Linux and PowerShell with Interactive Shell


Introducing the Interactive Shell (https://interactiveshell.com). A simple, accessible shell for learning Linux and PowerShell powered by the Scientific Programming School.

It features easy access to four different shells:

  • Ubuntu
  • RHEL — Redhat
  • SusE — OpenSuSE
  • PowerShell

Just click on the terminal window and get a console! Presented by the Scientific Programming School (https://scientificprogramming.io/) the next generation educational platform for creating and delivering interactive and adaptive courses on advanced computing topics.

Video demo:

Select an OS and start learning Shell, Python, GCC, GC++, Java, Vim and more!

It is built upon a C++ modified version of the TTYD, Docker and Websockets and hosted by the Developer’s cloud Digital Ocean. For security reasons Ping and all outgoing traffics are barred.

