Scientific Programming School

Learn, play and code!

Scientific Programming School at


Do you wish to play with code playgrounds, interactive shell, animated videos, charts, illustrations on byte sized lessons? You are in the right platform, the Scientific Programming School.

Let’s say a “Hello world!”

A Scientific Programming Playground, 50+ Languages available!

At Scientific Programming you learn with the most advanced code playground. With 50+ languages- all set for you from Python, C/C++ OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, C#, Java, Perl to Matlab, R, Swift, Kotlin and so on, you don’t fiddle with SDKs and IDEs at this time.

Dockerised terminals- no set-up required

The Scientific Programming School is fully powered by Docker, all codes/ commands run in dockerised sandbox environments. Start learning Linux and Devops immediately. It‘s all setup for you in all three flavors of Linux- Ubuntu, RHEL and SuSE. Just click on the terminal window and get a console!

Start learning Linux and Devops immediately. It‘s all setup for you in all three flavors of Linux- Ubuntu, RHEL and SuSE. Just click on the terminal window and get a console!

Visually impressive lessons and interactive!

The school specializes on Linux, Devops, HPC, scientific programming languages, including Data Sciences. Easy to understand animated videos all around, also includes HD terminal captures and so on. All videos are encrypted, self-hosted and optimized for your best viewing experience. Lessons are engraved with interactive charts, graphs, images, visual elements. It’s simply because imagery visuals hold more appeal than videos to those curious and intuitive minds.

How does it work?

You can purchase courses stand-alone ($0 — $25) and get life-time access, or pay one-time for 10 or 30 days full access to every course available on the Scientific Programming School platform.

No recurring fees, no contracts at all!

Teach @ Scientific Programming School ?

Yes! you can teach at the Scientific Programming School! We are very appreciative of our partnership with you. Scientific Programming courses are mostly text-based (we support the Plain English campaign) and outcome of HD terminal captures. That means not much fiddling with cameras, no expensive studios. You just need your laptop and a keyboard.

Awesome widgets to build Interactive lessons @ Scientific Programming School

To become an instructor, just create a free account, read our author guide, complete your profile and send us a message. If your course proposal is accepted, we enable the Instructor dashboard for you!

Google feature snippet on the Scientific Programming School!

Start now!

